Monday, December 2, 2019

Laura Jennings and Aydin Rahbar at Brick Oven on 35th Street

The current show I've coordinated at Brick Oven on 35th Street features the art works of Laura Jennings and Aydin Rahbar.  Both Aydin and Laura work in mixed media techniques, applying different layers of materials to create works characterized by visual depth, wit and liveliness.  Laura's works are abstract and colorful, playfully interpreting phrases and mis-phrasings, while Aydin's are representational and black and white, using popular culture derived sources to imagine strange futures.  Despite their visual and thematic differences, the works harmonize and play off of each other in unique, exciting ways.

See the work and visit with the Laura and Aydin during the Artists' Receptions scheduled for 12-3 PM on December 7th - event page 

Exhibit on view during restaurant hours through February 1, 2020.

Are friends eclectic?

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